Thursday, November 6, 2008

Latest on Riley

Since getting out of surgery, Riley has spent 99.99999% of his recovery time in his bed. He's been playing DS (Thanks Shannon) and watching tv most of the time. He hasn't slept much, but I did get to see him eat a bit and that was fun to see. It pepped him up and put some food in his belly.

Today Marci's going to try to get him out of bed. He needs a shower and a tooth brushing, though not necessarily in that order. He threw up a few times on Tuesday and hasn't brushed yet. It's so bad that even he wants to brush his teeth.

Rye seems to be a little afraid to get up and go. He says his head doesn't hurt that bad, but I think he's a little reluctant to test it.

I can't wait for this little dude to get home. I see him every day at the hospital, but I miss him terribly. Marci too, for that matter. Friday/Saturday can't come soon enough.

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