Sunday, December 21, 2008

It's Christmas time

Or is that "It's Christmastime"? Is Christmastime a word? Who knows?

Anyway, just a little Riley update. He is doing fabulously. His scar is healing up really well. Almost all the scabs are gone. The skin is clean and almost smooth. I don't think it'll ever be smooth like before surgery, but it'll be pretty good. Though I'm not sure if his hair will grow from there, though. It'll be like a mini-combover. He'll have to grow the hair a little longer on the side of his scar, then sweep it over. I'll give him some hair gel to help.

We've been cooped up with the snow and all. Rye likes the snow, but I think the effort it takes to get him dressed makes him not want to go out. I think he'd rather be a geek like me and play DS all day.

His speech isn't improving noticeably yet. He cheats a little with his "s" words. He's able to make a "sh" sound, so a word like "snake" is pronounced "shnake". Also, his "kuh" sound sounds like "tuh", so when we have him say "sick", well, you get the picture. Kind of funny.

I'll be back later in the week with Rye's Xmas haul. Should be a big list.

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